
    来源:    编辑:宇青西班牙留学    点击: 542 次
Master’s  Degree in Formal Methods in Computer Science计算机工程的形式化方法Master’s Degree in Formal Methods in Computer Scie

Master’s  Degree in Formal Methods in Computer Science计算机工程的形式化方法

Master’s Degree in Formal Methods in Computer Science计算机工程的形式化方法

Deep Learning for Audio and Video Signal Processing音频和视频信号处理的深度学习

Master in Image Processing and Computer Vision, European欧洲人的图像处理和计算机视觉

Master’s Degree in Quantitative Economic Analysis定量经济分析

Master’s Degree in Democracy and Governance


Master’s Degree in Nanoscience and Molecular  Nanotechnology分子纳米学和纳米技

Master's Degree in Theoretical Physics  物理理论 

Master’s Degree in Linguistics Applied to English 英语应用语言学 

Master’s Degree in British and English-Speaking  Countries Literature and Culture Studies. Literature, Culture, Communication  and Translation 英国和英语国家文学和文化,交流和翻译研究 

Master’s Degree in Bioinformatics and Computational  Biology 生物信息和计算机生物学 

Master's Degree in Biotechnology 生物技术 

Master’s Degree in Pharmacological Research 药理研究 

Master's Degree in Mathematics and Applications 应用数学 

Master's Degree in Theoretical Chemistry and  Computational Modelling 化学理论与计算机化的建模 
